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Showing posts from July, 2017

Money & Relationships. Whose wallet should we use?

I recently had a conversation with a friend. We recalled the good times and one of this happened to be how Quks are referred to as 'Waizi' somewhere in +256. This had me thinking, why do some people think that loving to look for money is a bad thing??? Away from that. We have all seen these posts on social media. 1. Would you fall in Love with a broke guy? 2. Is there Love without money? 3. Name it....(hehee, nimesahau but bet y'all know these posts). First things first, Love and money are two different things. And because the 'evil' one is always the lady who wants to date a financially able man, I will speak for us, Ladies. Love is a strong feeling of affection towards someone or something. Money on the other hand is an item of value used for exchange of commodity bla bla bla... ☝This definition is what we learnt in school. In my own definition, I'd call Love a strong irresistable attraction towards someone/thing. Money simply makes everything, ok lies,

Sports Betting; the Latest Craze in the Sports World

Whether you are a sports fanatic or not, you must have come across sports betting. It’s the new craze in the sports world. This form of gambling has cut across the whole world. But what exactly is sport betting? Definition This can be loosely defined as an activity that involves sports results prediction and laying wagers on the purported outcome. Since its inception a sport betting has become a major activity especially on sports such as soccer, hockey and baseball among others. Types of Sports Bets Sports’ betting is done through a bookie or via different online platforms. Here is a look at the major types of sports betting. Spread Betting This is one of the most common types of sports bets. Here, wagers are placed against the spread. What’s a spread? You may be asking. Well, this is also referred to as a line and it is a number settled upon by the bookie designers. What a line does is that it weakens one team while favoring the other. This basically makes